Investor Profile Investor Profiles Annual reports Annualreport-2020-21. 28thAnnualReport-Seshachal-2021-22-BSE. Policies of the company WHISTLE BLOWER POLICY / VIGIL MECHANISM TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR REMUNERATION POLICY RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION POLICY POLICY ON DETERMINING MATERIALITY OF INFORMATION FAMILIARIZATION PROGRAMME FOR INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS Board of Directors and Committee COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD Complaince Report SECRETARIAL AUDIT REPORT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31.03.2022 Shareholding pattern Shareholding Pattern June+2021.pdf Shareholding Pattern Sept+2021.pdf ShareholdingPattern Dec+2021.pdf Shareholding Pattern March+2022.pdf Shareholding Pattern June+2022.pdf Shareholding Pattern sept+2022.pdf Shareholding Pattern dec+2022.pdf Shareholding Pattern March+2023.pdf Quarterly reports seshachal revised results sept-2021.pdf Seshachal Fnancial results December-2021.pdf seshachal Results March+2022.pdf seshachal Results June+2022.pdf Seshachal Results Dec-2022.pdf Seshachal Results 3009-2022.pdf Board meeting announcements Seshachal Board Meeting Intimation june 2021.pdf Seshachal Board Meeting Intimation sept 2021.pdf Seshachal Board Meeting Intimation dec 2021.pdf Seshachal Board Meeting Intimation march 2022.pdf Seshachal Board Meeting Intimation june 2022.pdf Seshachal Board Meeting Intimation sept 2022.pdf Seshachal Board Meeting Intimation dec 2022.pdf